An Innovative Concept in Pediatric Continuing Medical Education
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago is pleased to announce that it will again offer its CME series as a subscription package, one that enables physicians and practices to secure spots in multiple courses at one discounted price.
By purchasing the 3-program bundle, attendees can save as much as 10% depending on which package they choose. By buying the series in advance, attendees are not only able to save money, but guarantee a spot in what have been historically sellout conferences.
Don't miss this opportunity to earn CME credits, network with your colleagues and gain a wealth of practical information on cutting-edge pediatric health topics. For questions or more information, call 312.227.7411/7432 or e-mail cpinto@luriechildrens.org or svcardona@luriechildrens.org.
Pediatric Pearls Fall is a full-day in person event in Oak Brook
Pediatric Pearls Winter is a half-day virtual program
Pediatric Pearls Spring is a full-day virtual program
PLEASE NOTE: There are no breakouts offered for Winter.